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Fillings in Dianella

man in dental chairIf you have a tooth that’s been damaged by decay we offer high-quality fillings to restore your smile. We offer both composite and white fillings here at Grand Promenade Dental Centre, with an option to meet every need. This easy, one-visit treatment may be right for you if you have a small missing spot that needs to be filled in from decay, wear and tear, or a slight chip. Our dentists may also recommend a filling if you’re experiencing sensitivity around a tooth.

What to Expect

Treatment is smooth, quick, and easy. We may need to numb the area first using local anaesthetic, although that isn’t always necessary. If there’s any decay inside the tooth, we’ll start by cleaning it out before putting in the filling. For a chipped tooth, we’ll focus on restoring its appearance to how it used to look.

If you were numbed during treatment, be careful not to bite your lip afterwards. Otherwise, recovery is simple. You can eat anything you want immediately after leaving the clinic.

There’s no need to wait for the filling to set, since it’s strong and functional as soon as you leave.

smiling and flossing wide

Conservative Care to Keep You Smiling

How long your restoration lasts depends on how well it’s maintained. Fillings can sometimes stain and chip with time, so we may need to replace it. Having them evaluated at regular checkups helps us catch any issues early and lengthen the life of the filling.

Standard checkups and cleans every six months are an important part of oral care for every patient, whether or not you’ve had dental work done. You may be facing a cavity or other hidden problem you’re not yet aware of. Finding and treating problems early makes it more likely that we can offer a low-cost, non-invasive treatment like a filling instead of a more comprehensive response.

Book an Appointment

We want to help you keep your natural teeth as long as possible. Schedule your visit today.
Contact Us

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Fillings Dianella, Morley, Yokine, Bedford and Inglewood WA | (08) 9272 1700